Thursday, June 1, 2017

LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD ~ July 2015 The Greek Vote & the Iran Treaty, America is being torn apart,

"We look at her life and we feel understood. We can kneel to pray and use ordinary language to get through the countless situations we must deal with every day," Pope Francis on Most Holy Mary

★ LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD ★There is no new world, all is an illusion.

6. The Great and Unconquerable Gulf
Jul 1st, 2015 

A great gulf has opened up, an ever-widening divide that will not close. There will be no efforts of unity. Each group will be satisfied to walk away with its rights intact. The good of the whole, the great enterprise of America will be quickly abandoned.

How can you stir a people to oneness when all think only of their own rights? How can unity exist when leaders think only of serving interest groups? Such is the political life of America, dividing into pieces and held together precariously by a Constitution that is politically interpreted.

The great divisions have not yet appeared but the unity of America has been sacrificed on the political altar. Only time is needed until people will see the great gulf that has opened up.

Life in America will never be the same. Inconceivable decisions will appear and the constant trust that the Constitution can provide the needed unity will be greatly tested. I will allow this to happen because America has chosen this path away from the heavenly Father’s plan. What lies ahead in the future which will bring forth good? The fountains of light will spring up?

First, people will become alarmed. America has been stolen from them by those who clearly part their political advantage. Many will reassess their choices. Much cannot be rolled back but delays in the timetable can result.

Much more important will be my initiatives. They will seem small but are more far lasting. If darkness has captured the heart of America, my light will command the heart of Americans. If darkness has captured the political life, my light will capture the spiritual life. America is shaking. Confidence in the Constitution and America’s future is ebbing away. “What will join us?” people will ask. I will come. I will shine my light. All will hear my name.(9/27/15) All will know my promises; all will see how I gather. What was just a tiny white cloud upon the horizon will become a great deluge of my gifts. More important, the hearts of Americans will seek my gifts because their illusions have been shattered, that an America which is not under God can survive. To all I say, this is a new time, a new era, a new stage. America has never been here before. The Civil War at least was open conflict and could be resolved. This conflict goes much deeper and will not be resolved. 

1. Separations 
Jul 2nd, 2015 

Humanity is like a ship which has decided to leave the safe harbor of God’s law and plunge into the most devastating storms with the hope of gaining a new world. There is no new world, all is an illusion. False hopes and false desires have led mankind to set out on a journey that is strictly forbidden by the most high God. The course is uncharted and to mankind has renounced the stars placed by God in the heavens to guide the journey.

Mankind is like foolish children who now have gigantic technology and no wisdom of how to use it for good. I cannot state too strongly the greatness of the crisis. There I will begin to address. No longer can I be silent because they are so imminent.

The crisis will begin with separations. There will be the forerunners. Selfishness will destroy the corporation that was needed to build a secure society. The European efforts of unity that sought freedom from endless wars and new era of cooperation as seen among the states of America will see itself torn by separations, and walking away from the dream of a united Europe.

I have said before that this union would dissolve because it was secular, based upon self-interest and not upon a commonly held faith. It is a house built upon sand.

After various separations take place, problems will arise that cannot be foreseen. Nations will be more on their own but they do not have the resources. They had planned in a time of cooperation and now that cooperative spirit has been shattered.

Who is waiting to pick up the pieces? Who lurks in the wings to gain the advantage? Russia, it is always Russia. I was on the mark at Fatima that would world peace will happen when Russia is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. More and more proofs will come forth.

 Comment: Our Lady will describe the trials that are so imminent.

★ LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD 7/3-10/15 ★ The Greek Vote & the Iran Treaty. the greatest evils that have ever existed. Mankind is at a tipping point. Foolish mankind, you cannot save yourself

2. A Series of Crises 
Jul 3rd, 2015 

The great chasms are appearing. The deceptions and lies of the economic system are coming to the surface. Weaknesses, known by a few, are now seen by all. The turbulence has begun. It has surfaced. One problem will lead to another because these lies are part of all economic systems. None is exempt.

Slowly, one after another, economies will shake, like tottering buildings. Which ones will survive? What will the landscape look like when the earthquake has wreaked its full force? How will mankind pick up the shattered pieces?

Will this bring the world to return to the Father’s house? Not at all. “We will rebuild”, mankind will declare, and the whole purpose of the shakings will be lost. The world will say, “The damage is not that great. A little change here and a little change there, and we will survive the crisis.” O foolish mankind! Do you not see? I allow this first crisis so you can repent. The changes must be deep in your hearts, not in your accounting methods or your clever tricks. But you will not listen. It will be business as usual, with a few changes caused by the first crisis.

You are enmeshed in a tangled web and no human power can gain your freedom. Yet, you have no will or desire to allow God to intervene. So, I must speak.

These are not ordinary times or ordinary crises. The worldwide economic system which has served the rich and excluded the poor, is too complex and too riddled with lies and deceptions to continue. It will collapse under its own weight, from the sinful deceptions imbedded in its structure. These decisions, made long ago and for such a long time now, have come to fruition.

The financial difficulties are just the first in a long line of crises that will affect the world. Many of these crises I will soften as much as possible, always trying to push backward the timetable of evil. However, I must warn the whole world. All of these crises are deeply imbedded in human history formed by human decisions. Mankind has forged his own crises. The blame lies totally at his doorstep.

I give you the only promise possible. As the darkness grows and as mankind is plunged into one crisis after another, my light shining in the Catholic Church will become more and more important to the human race. Even those who are not Catholics will see the Church as the lone light in the darkness. I will do this. I will bring it about through my priest son whom I have chosen.

Comment: The world has become very complex and problems are far beyond the powers of world leaders. Again, Our Lady promises light through the Church.

1. Revealing God’s Plan 
Jul 4th, 2015 

I want to reveal the great powers and blessings which come from my heart. No mind, human or angelic, can grasp these mysteries by which the heavenly Father sent His Son into my womb. The Son, himself, deposited greater mysteries and, in the fullness of time, the Spirit himself completed the gifts. Like a loving mother, I kept all these treasures, not losing a single grace.

In these little locutions, I give only the smallest hint of what lies buried within me. Yet, even these few words will turn every mind to the light.

First, I see the Father’s plan for the whole world and for each individual person. No one, even the greatest saints, can grasp the fullness of His desires and all that He wishes to do. Who can know the mind of God? Who can understand what He desires for His children? His light would be too bright and His love too overpowering. He places everything in my heart, so I can reveal His plan like a mother, piece by piece, part by part, in ways that the children can be fed.

Children of the Locutions, come to me and I will reveal God’s plan for your lives. I will reveal His love (so inexpressible!). You will see without being blinded. You will accept without being overwhelmed.

If you have walked in my light for years, I will provide greater light. If you have lived in darkness and sin, I will release a gentle light which will attract you to goodness. Come, everyone. If only you saw the Father’s plan, you would say “I have found the true light. I have discovered why I was created. I have finally found the path of life”.

I promise this to all who come to me. These secrets are meant to be revealed. This light must go forth. You are beginning to understand. Jesus has placed all of God’s treasures in my Immaculate Heart to be given to the whole world.

Comment: Our Lady is always easy to approach and she holds all of God’s favors for us.

2. Words Amid the Bloodshed 
Jul 5th, 2015 

There must be an end to all wars and a path to peace that can come only from my heart. I hate violence and I treasure every person who comes forth from God’s creative hands. No one should have their blood shed by another. Yet, this has been so since Cain killed Abel and the earth for the first time tasted blood.

Now the earth is filled with the blood of the slain. Lives which should have produced good fruit are cut down like trees in their youth. Do I not sorrow to see these wars? What is my sorrow in what I see lying ahead? Are there answers to the violence? Can anyone foresee an end? Just the opposite. More and more nations are caught in the web of destruction. Wars, clashes, and terrorism grow on every side. Structures of peace and order collapse. No place is safe, not even America. In the midst of all this bloodshed, I will speak from my heart.

The usual cause of war was a disagreement, a dispute that flared into violence. This was the tribal wars. Then nations came into existence and wars became wars of self-interest and expansion. Yet, even these wars could be ended, contained and concluded with a peace agreement. The wars began and ended. Peace returned and lives were restored to normal. These were conventional wars, understood by all.

Now, violence has gone viral. Who is the enemy? What uniform does he wear? Where is the fighting taking place? Who are his generals? Where is his capital? Wars have taken on an entirely new life, flowing into the bloodstream of mankind. How can violence be purged without the death of mankind itself.

I want you to understand. Foolish mankind, you cannot save yourself but you have a heavenly Mother who has not forgotten you. Let everyone come to me. Let everyone be filled with my wisdom. I will be your general. I know how to defeat the Evil One. I only need children who listen and act on my words.

Comment: Our Lady gives an accurate description of these new wars of terrorism.

3. The Greek Vote and the Iran Treaty
 Jul 6th, 2015 

The die will be cast when the decisions are finalized. There will be no turning back. The events in Greece and the nuclear treaty with Iran will begin the next phase of the darkness.

Now, I must use different words, “soon” and “imminent”. How often I have spoken of the world plunging into darkness and of the timetable always being moved up. I have not held back my light. I have spoken clearly.

Now, my words change. With these two events, walls of protection will crumble and security will suddenly be removed. There is no power to contain the two evils of economic chaos and terrorist violence.

How often I have spoken of the evil boiling beneath the surface, which will inevitably flow over somewhere and somehow. These two events are the greatest boiling over that have so far taken place.

The disorders flowing from Greece will be evident, but the evil flowing from Iran is much deeper and more important. The Middle East will never be the same. Powerful Iran will have a treaty to wave in the face of its enemies and, more important, a written guarantee to delight its friends.

No one ever conceived this as possible, such has been the foolishness of America. Israel never dreamed that she would be scorned and Iran would be chosen.

Great and unimaginable evil lies behind this treaty. All is cleverly hidden from the eyes of America. The treaty is no treaty at all. It is really a linking of America to Iran, filled with the hope that Iran will become the great power in the Middle East and America will be its friend. Such are the delusions brought about by the Evil One.

Israel, O Israel! The world powers have forsaken you but I have always had my eyes upon you. I am your daughter. However, the events will quickly unfold by which you will also see that I am your mother. As you see and experience the power of my protective mantle over you, you will also accept my Son, Jesus. Only then, can peace go forth from Jerusalem.

Comment: Our Lady calls the Iran treaty a greater problem than the Greek economic difficulties. The two evils of Greece and Iran are turning points.

4. The Present Plight of Mankind 
Jul 7th, 2015 

Before going further, we must stop and see what is taking place. On the world stage, light seems to claim no victories while darkness spreads with little resistance. Leaders are helpless and their efforts only multiply the darkness.

Like multiple fighters in the same ring intent on destroying each other, all the world has become a clash of selfish interests. This problem will multiply as people realize the shortage of resources. There is no one answer because there is no one problem. The entire landscape is filled with lightning points where interests clash.

So often, I have tried to explain what is not seen, the hidden forces behind the scenes. Modern man has walked away from these beliefs. The supernatural world lies in his intellectual trash bin. Mankind has rejected the saving wisdom which should have guided these centuries and has enthroned instead his own goddess of reason. Oh, modern man, look where reason without faith, intelligence without hope, and knowledge without love have led you. You thought that you had “come of age” when, in fact, you had regressed to a world shorn of the light of Jesus.

What will I do with you? How in the world can I help you? You are so entangled, so complicated, so intertwined, so vulnerable, so helpless in the face of the spreading darkness. Your wounds are so gaping and the fever of your illnesses climbs quickly.

These are my words. Believe them and act on them. You must let all these events preach to you. They will be my preachers. They will remind you of the faith you have spurned and of the religious practices that you have left behind. They will call good people to fervor. They will set captives free from the chains of unbelief. I promise to use these events. Millions will turn to me, especially as I raise up the one I have chosen. In him, I have placed all my wisdom.

Comment: Our Lady gives a total overview of what we all experience every day.

5. Mankind At A Tipping Point 
Jul 8th, 2015

How small and tiny are my words compared to the greatness of the problems and the darkness which fills the world. Yet, anyone with faith will believe that my words, my plans and my actions will save the world. I must, therefore, speak of the future so my children understand.

Do not expect me to openly intervene by great visions to world leaders or by great miracles that turn back the violence. Do not expect me to sweep over the world and in one day return all to sanity and peace. These actions are too apocalyptic, reserved for Jesus’ final coming.

My plans are not for a final coming, but for a drawing of all creation into a heavenly reality, for a restoration of earth and a continuing of human history. Obviously that history is being challenged by the greatest evils that have ever existed. Mankind is at a tipping point, when life suddenly might go from light to darkness, from order to chaos. These are not apocalyptic words as if some heavenly power is about to chastise. These are earthly words, the daily realities that fill the news.

What will take place? The events will preach to all who care to listen. The true state of affairs will become evident to all. I am speaking now, before all the events happen, so my words can be recorded and believed. They will be believed more after the events than before. Even then, it will not be too late. However, the time is very, very short. I prophesied that 2015 would be the year for the beginning of the events and that October 13, 2017 (the 100th anniversary of Fatima) is a very important date. So, you can see that history is moving quickly into this time period.

I would speak to different groups. To you who know me and love me, whom I call Children of the Locutions, now is the time for the greatest fervor. Your families must grow and your children must experience joys, but you also must gather much more for family prayer and daily devotions. You must examine your lifestyles and act according to the words of St. Paul, “I tell you brothers, time is running out. For the world in its present form is passing away” (1Cor.7: 29-31). I will be with you in your quest for a deeper life of faith.

To all the others, I say this. Let these events preach to you. You have been blinded by the world and its passing glory. Let the events help you, now, to see that the world in its present form is passing away. If you but ask, I will come to you and show you my new path for your life.

Comment: Our Lady is speaking of events that all can see taking place. Through these events, many will see a need for faith.

6. Two Years to Stir the World to Faith 
Jul 9th, 2015 

With each passing day, the hopes and dreams of my heart are crushed. The image of God in man and in history is twisted beyond recognition. A new image arises which has nothing to do with the face of Jesus. It is born out of selfishness and violence, from a human reasoning devoid of faith.

The diabolical fire finds so many houses as fit wood for the flames. The floods find so many homes built upon sand. What is happening now has been prepared for by many centuries.

Everything began in man’s heart. As the modern world was built, reason set aside truth. Greed, avarice, raw political power and wars shaped everything. Now, comes the culmination. Mankind is trapped. He has foolishly chosen a road that leads nowhere. He is surrounded by his enemies and has cut off the supply lines of heaven. He has left the Father’s house and has lost even his memory of how to return. He believes that technology can save him. However, technology only makes him more vulnerable, multiplying what can go wrong. Is there any answer? Any hope? Any way to salvation?

The forces that have already been unleashed have quickly devoured parts of the globe and threaten human life everywhere. Political and economic structures are tottering and efforts to save them will fail. What will be the results of these events? Will mankind continue to look to his own powers and fail? Or, will mankind choose a different direction? Will it turn to heaven? Will it ask, “Why have I left my Father’s house?”

So much depends upon these two years. Is it possible to stir the whole world back to faith? Is it possible to rekindle millions of hearts that have grown cold? Is it possible to save the world from its present path of darkness? Let the word go forth from these little locutions. Everything is possible but the surrender to heaven must be deep. The turning to me must be complete and without compromise. Begin with Sunday, the Lord’s Day. Why are your stores open? Why does your secular world steal God’s day? Every evil has come to America because it has robbed God of the day He claimed for His own.

Comment: It is late, yet Mary promises extraordinary help but only with a profound conversion that must begin with restoring Sunday to God.

7. Human History Entrusted to Mary’s Heart 
Jul 10th, 2015 

I have opened my heart and shared my secrets. Everyone sees my sorrow and my hope. I must constantly repeat my basic message. The only path to avoid the annihilation of the nations lies in my Immaculate Heart.

Foreseeing all of these modern evils and wanting to save the world through Jesus Christ, the Father has entrusted this part of human history to my heart. He has done this to bring forth a new moment in Jesus’ kingdom, a time of the greatest blessings.

Jesus would offer a new gift to mankind, rekindling the original flame of the Holy Spirit and drawing all into the bosom of the Catholic Church. This promise seems impossible, given the divisions of the churches and the great loss of faith. Yet, the heavenly Father intended these blessings and I promised them at Fatima when I spoke of worldwide conversion and a new era of peace. These were not vain or idle words. They were serious promises.

Seeing this new era of the Father’s plan, Satan gathered his armies and boldly marched forth, taking the field first, almost totally unopposed. The Father’s plan was not acted on because my words were set aside, even including the grave warnings of future disasters.

What has happened? Fatima’s warnings about disaster are being fulfilled and the promises are not. Yet, the promises still hold. Their powers remain and wait to be released. I do not speak powerless words or give empty promises. I reveal heaven’s plan and bring forth heaven’s secrets. It is late. Much ground has been lost but massive battles lie ahead. The Church must immerse itself in Fatima and in heaven’s promises. This is the only path to victory and to world peace.

Comment: This locution summarizes and completes the revelation of Mary’s secrets. 

★ LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD 7/11-15/15 ★ The Iran Nuclear Treaty, the consecration of Russia, I warn you...He will tear down your false laws & overturn your Supreme Court decisions. He will set fire to the earth 

1. Is There Any Path to Peace? 
Jul 11th, 2015 

Is there any path to peace? If so, how can it be found, because this question of peace will fill hearts and minds? Many false paths will be taken. I speak now so the words are fully inscribed in the hearts of my Children of the Locutions. Only the heavenly Father’s path can lead to peace. He has plotted out the path. He will raise up the person who will point out the path. He will make the Church the light of the nations. Those who walk this path will find peace.

It is a path of faith. Only faith provides the light needed to find the path, to choose the path and to stay on the path. As more people and nations walk this path, the easier it will become. It is not a path of one day or of one year. It is a permanent path that begins with true conversion of heart.

Do you not see the Father’s plan? All these evils have come from sinful decisions which have set mankind on his current path. All the evils result from sin – the violence, the wars, the tottering economies, the billions of poor people. If God suddenly removed these problems, there would be no conversion of heart. The evils would still lurk within.

God’s path leads to the true peace of a purified and chastened mankind. It will be like a new creation. All of mankind will give thanks to God for restoring peace.

I will guide the world on this new road. All must know that the only path to peace lies in my Immaculate Heart.

Comment: Our Lady raises the question that will preoccupy the world more and more, “Is there any path to peace?”

2. Read True Devotion 
Jul 12th, 2015 

I speak because the time is so near and my children must know how to walk the path to peace. Human reason will choose different paths, but only in my Immaculate Heart will you find this divine path, prepared but hidden until now, revealed but not understood. These words are so very important.

First, my words are not new. A true mother speaks early. She knows that children need time. So it is with this path to peace. I have already spoken for a long time to a long list of visionaries and locutionists. My words are faithfully recorded. These little locutions stand toward the end of a long line. They do not claim to show a new path. They merely add light to what has already been said. I have spoken often of the consecration of Russia by the Holy Father and all the bishops. This is the cornerstone. But what good is a cornerstone without any building? This is where the faithful have failed. They know very little about my promises, my first Saturdays, and my many requests.

If they had listened, their hearts would be so warm and their minds so filled with light, that they would already have received the blessings. They and their families would be well along the path of peace. They would have found others who I intended as companions for the long journey.

Come. It is late and we must hurry. Begin with St. Louis de Montfort. He was the prophet I raised up centuries ago to prepare for the Age of Mary. Read his book and discover the special blessings of True Devotion. This is the first step to peace.

Comment: Marian visions and locutions are not new. In many ways, the book True Devotion prophesied this century.

3. Releasing a Fire of Peace
 Jul 13th, 2015 

The path to peace narrows and the options for peace grow less, because mankind’s path is really no path at all. His options are merely illusions. Mankind without faith inevitably becomes a tool of Satan. Without love he can only think of himself. Satan uses this selfishness so all the paths to peace become highways to wars.

My path to peace contains a power which mankind cannot produce – the Holy Spirit. Where He breathes, peace flourishes. Where His fire touches, anger dissolves. O mankind, are you willing to have the Spirit of Jesus fall like fire from heaven?

I warn you. He will topple regimes and free the people. He will totally change your economic systems. He will tear down your false laws and overturn your Supreme Court decisions. He will set fire to the earth, a great fire of peace.

Do you think that my plan is like yours, mere words? Your plan cannot touch hearts. You cannot say to the sinner, “Do not steal”. You cannot convince the rich to forsake their greed. You cannot rip anger out of the hearts of terrorists. You do not possess the key that alone can open the door to heaven’s fire.

My path to peace has one goal, to release the Holy Spirit upon the whole earth. I must say this to world leaders and to Church leaders. Both need to understand.

Comment: Our Lady’s path to peace is not just words. God intends to send new fire of the Holy Spirit.

4. Our Lady’s Daily Promise 
Jul 14th, 2015 

My Immaculate Heart will pour forth blessings which have been kept secret since the foundation of the world. These are the unsearchable riches of Jesus, unknown to the world and hidden from the Evil One.

The fire of God’s love will be so intense and the wisdom of the Spirit so great, that new saints, of the greatest stature, will come forth to lead the Church. What is missing in the Church is the Spirit of Divine Holiness, a purification of hearts possible only by the purifying fire of the Spirit.

The Church must invite this new fire. This is why I speak. New and brilliant fires of divine love for mankind lie hidden in my heart, waiting to come forth. These fires can absorb the world and place it in the heavenly Father’s arms.

In these later years, the Father sends the Woman. Hidden within my heart is the divine Son, ready to pour out a new Pentecost that will catch the whole world by surprise. These are the mysteries that I am trying so hard to reveal. People do not understand. They set me aside. They say that my messages are not important.

“Oh, it was so long ago that Mary gave that message”, they claim. No longer. I now speak every day. The message is fresh and new. I will win the victory. It will be late, but I will not abandon the world. My daily word is the constant sign of my firm will.

Comment: We need Out Lady’s daily words so we do not get discouraged.

5. The Iran Nuclear Treaty 
Jul 15th, 2015 

I speak only with the greatest reluctance. However, I cannot hold back my great sorrow. The proliferation of nuclear weapons has been guaranteed by a treaty that opens the door to nuclear weapons. World leaders cannot reverse what has taken place. Russia has gained everything. From this point on, America will decrease as a world power able to keep peace. It has tied its own hands and armed its enemies.

New troubles will erupt. Israel and its allies will begin a new journey unaccompanied by their familiar friend, America. They must go it alone and make their own decisions. The bonds between America and Israel have been severed. The betrayal has taken place. All of the promises, in place for so many years have been broken. A new re-alignment of nations will come forth. Self-defense will dictate much more explosive options.

America will no longer be making Israel’s decisions. These vulnerable countries will decide for their own defense. They will not hold back. They will act quickly to survive. They must take matters into their own hands and take steps to keep Iran in check.

The world is much more dangerous, but this is not surprising to those who have followed my words. There are timetables set in place. They move ahead or are held back according to human decisions. This is my constant teaching.

Most important., how will I respond? What does this do to heaven’s plan? Do I just move along as usual? Not at all. My eyes are always on Satan’s plan and this treaty is his bold move. (Do not think otherwise.) So, I must move boldly, especially in my Church. I must move up my timetable for the consecration of Russia. (It is Russia that has brought about this treaty.) 2015 is not the year, but events will happen that will shake the Church and lessen the resistance to the Fatima consecration.

Comment: Our Lady’s words are clear – both about events in the world and in the Church.

★ LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD 7/16-18/15 ★ The human race will survive only by heaven’s help. 

6. The New World Created by Technology 
 Jul 16th, 2015 

I have always spoken with a great consistency. Human history came from God and was given over to mankind, who enjoys free will. Once history was in his hands, mankind opened himself to the demonic. Because mankind took this path, history has been a struggle, a battle. Heaven and hell have constantly vied to gain the great prize, mankind itself.

Now the battle is pitched, higher and higher, with greater stakes upon the table. Decisions are not limited to nations or to regions. They are truly worldwide.

The human race, protected for so many centuries by isolation from others, has now become a single body, joined together and interdependent. What a fertile ground for destruction and havoc! Evil, in the greatest proportion, can flow quickly from one part of the world to another. An infection in the toe can easily move to the heart. Mankind is in a totally new situation.

He has learned well the technology that brings about this oneness but he has lost the faith that could keep this technology out of the hands of the Evil One. Mankind has brought forth a new creation, and, like the original creation, it is being quickly drawn under the the Evil One.

These are my words. This process will continue and accelerate. The stability, built by faith before this technology existed, will more and more fall by the wayside. Mankind will realize that all the foundations of rational life have been uprooted and that he is adrift on an uncharted sea.

Who will save us? Who will get us back to the safe harbor? This is a role I have reserved for the Church, for the Holy Father, for the bishops, for the priests and religious, and most of all for my devout Children of the Locutions. O child of the locutions, I need you. Prepare devoutly. Each day is so important.

Comment: Our Lady outlines the world’s new situation. She needs our help.

7. Why? Where? How? 
Jul 17th, 2015 

Why? Why are all these events taking place? Where? Where do they lead? How? How will the human race survive? For my Children of the Locutions, I have already answered these questions, many times. My great light is imbedded in my words. Yet children often ask the same questions over and again, looking for more complete answers.

Why? You must see every event with the eyes of supernatural faith. In this way, you can easily see that all evil comes from Satan who uses human persons as his earthly instruments.

Where? They lead to more and greater confusion. The events are all linked. They are not haphazard. An intelligence lies behind them. They prepare for each other. If not halted, they will lead to an unending series of greater and greater darkness.

How? The human race will survive only by heaven’s help. If people set aside their consuming earthly concerns and truly seek me, I will come quickly with all the power of heaven. These truths are very familiar to all the Children of the Locutions. Now I must go further and give direction.

As you see and hear these events, do not let any fear grasp your heart. Do not be paralyzed. Instead, seek my light. There is so much you can do and so many steps which you must take. For you, every event of darkness will become a moment of light. Each event will remind you of one more action you can take.

Most important! Each event will touch your heart. You will say, ‘I must seek the light fully. I cannot compromise with darkness.”

Now you see. I will use the events of darkness to make all of you children of greater light. A moment will come when you will be totally committed to my light and will have nothing to do with darkness, because you see what it does.

Comment: Do not let the events lead you to fear but into the arms of your heavenly Mother.

8. Preparing For the Events 
 Jul 18th, 2015 

Time moves on and people try to prepare for the future. How different to prepare for an uncertain future, when so much is unknown. So, I speak. Those who hear my words are quite aware. They know that there will be events in the next few years which will change the existing order. What good is this knowledge unless I tell them how to prepare? So, I speak.

The full effects of the events will be felt in those areas of the world which Satan most fully controls. (In the rest of the world, the events will be felt according to the degree that he has permeated the culture and claimed human heart.) The way to prepare is to cast Satan out of your lives and to abide fully in my Immaculate Heart.

The events will be his “hour”, and that “hour” has already dawned. That does not mean that I cannot gain victories. Look at Simon of Cyrene, Veronica, the holy women and the beloved disciple. Even in the darkest moments of Satan’s hour, they were filled with light and remained faithful. So, it can be with you, with your families and with all who gather. On Calvary, we helped one another. How much consolation I received from all who shared with me at the cross.

After Jesus’ death, the Father did not abandon us. We received great light and we knew how to go on. Satan had struck his greatest blow. He had spent all of his forces. Yet, we continued on.

So it will be with you. You do not know what the events will be. You know that Satan is ready to strike great blows. Knowing what they will be is not important. You need only my words. I promise you that I will show you what to do. I will be with you. You will move forward. Right now, cast out anything in your life that is of darkness and allows Satan a door. That is all I ask. 

★ LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD 7/19-23/15 ★ the human race moves closer to the annihilation of nations, The hidden, inner fabric of America is being torn apart.

1. Promises That Still Have Power 
Jul 19th, 2015 

I open wide the doors of my heart and all can enter. I reveal all my secrets and everyone can learn. I reach out to the whole world, to peoples of every land and every belief. I care for them all. I will stretch out my hand from East to West. All must come into my embrace.

I walk the streets, seeking my lost children. I look for new means to spread my word. Nothing escapes my search. Have not these little words reached your ears even though they come from afar? What are these words that are so easy to understand? What power do they contain? Why are you filled with peace as you read the messages?

These locutions are merely a beginning. They are like John the Baptist who knew that another greater than he would come. These locutions prepare. They alert. They say “Look and await because the Woman is coming in the role given her by the Father and prophesied at all the great apparition sites.”

My children are so sluggish. They say, “Mary has spoken at Fatima but the words are so long ago. She has promised peace but there is only travail”. Children quickly forget. Their minds go from one topic to another. I must give a fresh word that stirs the great gift of Fatima and tells everyone to believe.

My words are not like your words, easily spoken and quickly forgotten. I only speak my words in obedience to the Father. My words are thought out for centuries before they come forth. They are promises, cemented in my heart and always containing God’s favor.

This is my promise. There will be a new light of Fatima, just as on that day (October 13, 1917) when the clouds parted and the light shone. There will be a greater Fatima light, prepared for by my daily visits to Medjugorje and supported by all the other apparition sites. The promise remains. Pray for its fulfillment.

Comment: Our Lady does not forget her promises. All her true apparitions fit together into a consistent message. 

2. Changing the History of the World Today 
Jul 20th, 2015 

As each day dawns, no one knows what it holds. As the sun sets, the decisions have been made and all has become part of history. This is the path of daily life. Generations come and go, each leaving behind their decisions and forming human history.

Who will I raise up for this generation? Who has the wisdom to guide the world away from the darkness? That person is deeply, deeply hidden in my heart.

However, it is not about him that I speak but about you and your task this day.

Begin with the deepest mystery, the secret which I constantly reveal. The Father knew the path which mankind would take. He understood Satan’s plan. So, He raised up the Woman at Fatima. He brought me front and center and allowed everyone to see my power over the sun.

I have revealed these mysteries so you do not waste your life. This is my teaching. Do not keep your eyes on the darkness and do not try, by your own efforts, to scatter it. This is what you are to do. You must say, 

“I will go to Mary. She is clothed with the sun. I will walk in her light.
 She has many tasks in her heart & she will give one to me.
 I will know that it came from her & I will be faithful to it”.

You are children of my light. First, you must receive my light. You must place it deeply in your heart, so it does not go out. Then, you must go with this light to whomever I send you. You will discover that you can spread the light. Then, each day you can say “I have changed the history of the world this day”.

Comment: How simple and encouraging are Our Lady’s words.

3. Divisions But No Divorce 
Jul 21st, 2015 

God’s wisdom spreads a table. Happy are those who eat from it. If you eat from it, you will not be deceived by appearances. The hidden, inner fabric of America is being torn apart. Divisions will suddenly appear which no one and no political party can pull together. All will happen right before your eyes, recorded by every possible television camera and broadcast for all the world to see.

Your Supreme Court has released division. It has divided those who love life from those who would kill life. It has divided those who cherish marriage and those who would change its very nature. Divisions exist in every area of American life. A nation that used to be “One from many” has become a nation that is “many but not one”. All of your horses are pulling away, each going in different directions.

Your Constitution will be sorely tested. However, for now, I will not let you fall into political chaos because many call upon my name and I remember the great service you have given to the world. The results of these divisions will be the realization that the Constitution does not guarantee unity. America’s unity lies in a people who openly declare that they are “one nation under God”. However, many Americans want to divorce their country from God. Listen to my words.

No matter what happens. No matter what divisions arise. No matter that your Constitution sways in the political winds. No matter what elements arise trying to pull America away from God, I will never allow a divorce. I will never allow any force to sever the bonds that I made with your forefathers. America, you belong to me, the child of my heart. No one will steal you from me. I will never allow you to join the other nations that gained their divorce. This is totally my choice and my gift. From this, you will receive many divine blessings, even during these years of your faithlessness.

Comment: Our Lady gives an extraordinary promise of God’s fidelity to America at the very moment when it walks away.

4. The Doors of My Heart 
Jul 22nd, 2015 

The doors of my heart swing wide open and all the world is invited to enter. However, many do not know that these doors exist or how to arrive at them. These are the urgent mysteries for this age.

When the day is clear, I can allow my children full freedom. When the clouds gather, I must bring them inside my heart because the deluge of events is close at hand.

I say to the whole world, “Do not wander away. This is not the time to plant and to build, to buy and sell. This is a time to come close to your mother.” This is my promise. If you turn toward me and begin to seek me, I will give you extraordinary, inner light and you will quickly find your road to me. (Each person has his own unique road, the individual circumstances of his life.) Along this path, I will place people and groups which will facilitate your journey and when you arrive, they will enter immediately.

Now, the important part. I will pour out this new desire on millions. Even Catholics who have no special devotion to me, will experience great desires. Catholics who have lapsed from their faith and rejected many teachings, will find a special love for me in their hearts, not knowing where this comes from.

Then, I will bring forth external invitations, new books, new interventions, new stories in the news. I will penetrate everywhere. No one will miss my invitations, even those who do not know me.

When you see all this happening, realize that I am inviting the whole world. The doors of my heart are wide open.

Comment: Our Lady promises two graces, inner desires and external signs. 

5. Avoiding the Annihilation of the Nations 
Jul 23rd, 2015 

Human history is like a river which empties into the ocean, yet somehow is constantly renewed. What if the springs of this renewal were to dry up? The river would empty out and be no more. Can this happen to the human race, which now covers every part of the earth? Can much of history, that is, nations and peoples, dry up?

I have already spoken of this at Fatima, calling these events “the annihilation of nations”, and saying that this “annihilation of nations” could be avoided, if Russia were consecrated to my Immaculate Heart.

How I hate to use these words “the annihilation of nations”! Yet, in this world filled with destructive technology, such a scenario is possible. Indeed, the human race moves closer with each false step and with the signing of each false treaty.

Every day, the human race takes steps. Arriving at war and violence is not a matter of one moment. The decisions coalesce. Individual groups and nations choose their path. They are locked in. Yesterday’s decisions limit the options for today’s choices. This is what I have constantly taught.

Mankind has not reached this point in one year or even many years. For decades, even for centuries, decisions have been made. Mankind has locked itself in. Now, the attempts to be free only increase the problems.

It is not a question of who has the answer, but of who holds the key. This key will unlock all of human history, undo the past decisions and give man the freedom from his past.

Mankind, you are locked into a daily struggle and many will not survive. However, this struggle need not be fought. Weapons and more weapons, wars and more wars, are not the answer. I hold the key to peace and I must begin quickly. How soon will I be able to raise up my priest son who will consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart? 

Comment: On July 13, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima said that Russia would be converted “if my requests are heeded”. If not, “the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various nations will be annihilated”.

★ LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD 7/24-29/15 ★ Iran is the center of Satan’s power, The doors of hell are opening, You have sacrificed so many of your children to its flames, you will stare face to face into the eyes of Satan

'Events foretold will come to pass. Wars will break out, and men will seek the destruction of millions. Souls will fall into the hands of Satan for all eternity, and My heart will break because of this. Beloved, pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray for conversions. Ask for blessings. Ask for the desire of your heart. I will protect those you love. I will see to all that you need. I Am the Provider. Rely on Me. Rely on Me for all things. I will never abandon you.' message to Jabez in part 7/30/15

6. The Fire Will Explode in Iran (Special Locution) 
Jul 24th, 2015 

Iran is the center of Satan’s fires. Years ago, I said that the Syrian revolution would go on and on (and it still continues). This constant fighting would light the fuse but the explosions would come from somewhere else. The Syrian revolution would remove national boundaries, remove all structures that gave stability and open the Middle East to chaos and to terror groups. All of that has happened. Syria has lit the fuse but the explosions will not go forth from there.

Now, I reveal the second half of the mystery. The explosion will take place through Iran which is the center of Satan’s power. This has always been so, but Iran’s powers were limited by the sanctions. Now, those bonds have been removed. The money will flow in and Satanic destruction will no longer be limited by lack of resources. The Iranian destruction will unfold. The fuse lit in Syria will explode upon the whole world through Iran.

Comment: In the special locution of August 26, 2013, Jesus said, “The fuse has been lit and is now burning. Syria is not the place of the great future explosion or of the greatest destruction but Syria is the precursor of these events. Syria, even with all its turmoil, does not possess the great weapons or the destructive powers possessed by other nations. 

7. The Fires of Abortions 
Jul 24th, 2015 

The doors of hell are opening and fires of hell go forth to every part of the world. Mankind has welcomed hell and gratefully accepted its fires. Now, the fires link up and become new conflagrations. Such is the result of man’s sinful choices.

O mankind, you cannot welcome the fire into one part of your house and not have it extend everywhere. You cannot say, “the fire will just remain in the basement”. You have tolerated the great fire of abortion. You have sacrificed so many of your children to its flames. This is just one of many fires of inequity. The whole world is ablaze because you accept those demonic fires that please you. Then, you complain about the demonic fires that terrorists use against you.

O America, how many of your children have terrorists killed and how many have you killed? All want to stamp out the terrorist fire while your own Supreme Court protects the abortion fire!

I say to you. This cannot continue. With every abortion, new demons are released. With every abortion, the demonic fire spreads. The woman leaves the clinic without the child in her womb but with a demon in her heart. (Thank God, many have sought forgiveness and freedom in the Church!)

First, I speak to everyone who has been involved in an abortion. Seek forgiveness. Let the Church cast out the demonic fire. Be set free and give yourself to life. No sin is unpardonable. Every demonic fire can be put out.

Second, I speak to America. Your eyes are upon the Middle East as the source of hell’s fires while hell’s fires in your abortion clinics are burning fiercely. You are looking in the wrong direction .

Comment: Abortion is a demonic fire that has killed 55 million Americans since the Supreme Court ruling. We cannot choose our fires. They will all burn our house down. 

8. Satan Accepts No Master 
Jul 25th, 2015 

The mighty oceans accept no master. They have their own life and go their own way. Anyone trying to tame the oceans would be a fool. Such it is with the ocean of satanic fire. Mankind thinks it can control these fires with its own weapons, but the satanic fires admit no lord and master. From the beginning, they have shouted their “No” to God. “I will not serve.”

After saying this, they had to be cast out. They could not stay in the heavenly realm. Thus, hell was formed, the eternal “no” of darkness that has now been released upon earth. All the evil events come from this original “No, I will not serve”. All the suffering and death upon earth. All violence and wars. “No, I will not serve” is the ultimate and the proximate cause. “Ultimate” because first said before human history began. “Proximate” because it is always, always at the scene of violence and disruption.

O mortal man, you are no match for this rebellion against God which is now sweeping your earth. You have joined the rebellion. You have chosen to set aside many of God’s commands. Your “no” has opened you up to the Satanic. You have joined his kingdom and sat at his table. You enjoy his forbidden fruits and grow fat on his stolen delights.

What will I do with you? I must not remove your freedom or destroy your right to refuse. I know what I will do. I will allow the fire to come close to you. I will have you stare face to face into the eyes of Satan. I will rip away the veil that covers and disguises. What else can I do? How else can I have you stop saying, “No, I will not serve” ? These are my words. When the events begin and you see Satan’s face, it will not be your damnation but my invitation. I will invite you to say, “Yes, I will serve”.

Comment: Mankind has joined Satan’s rebellion. He must change. Every evil event is an invitation and there are lots of invitations these days. 

9. The Two Different Nights 
Jul 26th, 2015 

There are two quite different nights – the night of God and the night of hell. God’s night is filled with a darkness that soon becomes dawn. Hell’s night only grows greater. In God’s night, the angels help you. In Satan’s night, the devils torment you. What a difference between the two nights and how important to know which one is happening.

In God’s night, you must continue on because the day will certainly dawn if you persevere. In Satan’s night, you must withdraw. Go back. Retrace your steps. You were walking in light and have stumbled into darkness. All your efforts to gain a victory are foolish steps into greater darkness. You must become a child and allow me to recall you into my light.

Read the signs of each night. God’s night happens when He places holy desires in your heart. Because your holy desires are not yet fulfilled, you are in God’s darkness for a while. Follow these desires. Do not give up. In a little while, you will see what God intends.

In the demonic darkness, something has taken you away from God’s path. Peace has given way to turmoil. All grows dark. It is time to stop and to trace the source of the darkness. Do not push ahead on this road. You will only get more entangled. Wait for my light so you can return to God’s path. Then, your night will be over quickly.

Comment: Everyone experiences times of darkness. Our Lady will help you to know if this is God’s night or Satan’s night. Only by knowing that answer, can you make the right decision. 

10. At the End of Each Day 
Jul 27th, 2015 

Each day, the river of heaven and the river of hell flow into the ocean of mankind. Mankind is not the same at the end of each day. He has invited and accepted either the water of hell or the water of heaven. Many are quite unaware of this because the change is imperceptible. Then, a moment comes, a decisive moment, when what existed is swept away. Only then can people see what had been happening.

Such is the state of the world and this moment in human history. How often I have said that, for centuries, the streams of hell have entered human history. Yet, all seems the same. The moment has not yet happened when everyone sees that history is changed.

Then, comes the collapse, the complete falling apart of society’s structures. Life is no longer the same because mankind has for so long welcomed the satanic waters, accepted their pleasures and their gifts, without knowing their origin or their price.

There is a whole collection of evils, which are accepted by many and have pierced to the heart. These satanic evils penetrate the very fiber of mankind. To eradicate them will require another flood, as in Noah’s time. This is my great dilemma. I am a mother who sees my child (mankind) so filled with infections that he is impossible to cure without causing his death. That is why I delay. The needed medicine would be too powerful for his system.

This is my plan. I will pour heaven’s waters in the greatest abundance into this ocean. These waters can only change a small part of the ocean, mainly within the Church. This small part, however, I will bring to the highest level of faith and to the greatest moments of fervor. When I have prepared this little segment of the ocean, I will be able to send upon the ocean a great gift for all mankind.

This great gift of Fatima will enter the ocean from a small part of my Church. All will be affected.

O reader, is not my plan clear to you? Do you wish to become part of the little group that will receive the gift for the whole world? Just come to me in fervor and live out these locutions which I give each day.

Comment: Walk today in Our Lady’s light. 

11. The Congressional Vote (Special Locution)
 Jul 28th, 2015 

The tragic events of the Iran treaty are not yet complete. Only if Congress accepts that pact will the full evil unfold. If Congress rejects the treaty, then this powerful stream will be like a raging river that hits an impregnable wall and is forced to turn back upon itself. A rejection of the treaty by Congress will unravel other aspects of evil that are intertwined with the treaty. The forces of evil will have met a setback. Such is the importance of this Congressional vote.

For now, the legislators read the documents and hear advocates on both sides of the issue. Little do they realize that they hold much of the world’s future in their hands.

These are my words. The matter is not settled and the conclusion is not firm. This vote is very close to my heart. All must let their voices be known to those who vote. Now is not the time to be silent. Speak out. Your voice is important.

Comment: Call 1-202-224-3121 and ask for your senator and representative. You can also locate your senator’s email address at The House of Representatives email address can be found at Tell them to vote against the treaty. Our Lady will bless your call.

12. Fires Within the House 
Jul 28th, 2015 

In the beginning locutions I spoke in general terms and of future events. Now I speak in specific words of what is near at hand.

The news that is reported gives only a small glimpse of the hidden evil which comes to the surface in sporadic ways. This evil wants to destroy all of God’s creation, putting an end to the blessings that the Father brought about.

This hidden evil is far, far too great for mankind to control and far too intelligent to be outsmarted. This evil manifests itself wherever it is welcomed, hoping to spread all over the world. Its great strongholds exists where the Word of God is silenced and where Jesus, my Son, cannot be preached. This is the clue to understanding all the evil that takes place.

Only the Word made Flesh, Jesus, has the power to confront, cast out and destroy this evil. Everything and everyone else succumbs to the fire and becomes its instrument. Many in the Muslim world have fallen into this fire. Also, many others, like Putin, have given themselves to evil. Yet, is the West blameless? Has not the West welcomed the satanic fires, which are dressed in so many disguises? The list is endless and you know their names very well – sins of the flesh, sins of violence, sins of addictions, sins of greed. The West has welcomed these fires. They are within his house and burn brightly.

This is my dilemma. The nations that used to believe in Jesus have lost their faith. Satanic fires find no opponent who can cast them out. The West is firewood, quite dry and ready to burn. What can I do? The two fires will continue to burn (the Middle East fires and the Western fires) until a moment comes when the West repents and realizes its foolishness.

I am preparing for that moment. All will be ready. When the events lead the West to its knees, I will raise up my priest son who will make the repentance fruitful. Then, the satanic fires will know that I have entered the battle.

Comment: While the West worries so much about Middle East terrorism, it has no understanding of Satan’s fires in its own backyard.

13. Today’s Light 
Jul 29th, 2015 

When the day dawns, no one knows what it holds until the decisions are made and the events occur. Then, all can see what mankind has brought about – another day in human history. This is not how I see, because God reveals all to my sight. I see the events and their causes. I see future decisions. I see both the stirrings of mankind and the temptations into which he can fall. By divine light all is clear before my eyes.

In these locutions, I speak like a mother sharing her wisdom with her children. Much I hold back. What I say is in the measure that your minds can grasp. Each locution has a purpose. Little by little my light enters your heart and I make you into a child of the light.

“Where do these little teachings come from?” you ask. They come from a heart that loves you so much. They are faithfully transmitted, from my heart to your heart. I rejoice that so many welcome them and I know that I do not speak in vain.

Now, to the gift of today. By the time that the sun sets, I will have given you many moments of light. You, also, will have encountered much darkness (for the world is so clouded). Yet, you did not allow the darkness to win out. Rejoice! You have spent another day in the light. Do not underestimate your victory. Each day of light propels you along the road. You are ready for tomorrow’s light.

Satan would want to use these locutions to make you think about the future. He would fill you with great fears (as if he had more power than what the Father has given to me). Nonsense. I will take care of you. I will make you a child of the light, one day at a time. Now do you see how important is this day? Soon, it will be over. In its remaining hours, choose the light.

Comment: Although Our Lady often speaks of the future, she wants us to live one day at a time and not be anxious. She will be with us.

★ LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD 7/30,31/15 ★ When the night suddenly comes, do not blame the heavenly Father. You have chosen the darkness! 

3. Twilight Gives Way to Darkness 
 Jul 30th, 2015 

Between day and night comes the twilight when neither light nor darkness claim a victory. Such is the world’s state, a twilight era. All know that twilight must give way to darkness as the day surrenders it control over earth. That, too, is the present situation. The daylight of peace gives way to the darkness of war. The daylight of order surrenders to the night of chaos. Will anyone dispute what I am saying? Are there any signs that the night is ending and soon the day will dawn? Can anyone hold out such a hope?

How long will the night be and what will follow in its footsteps? I will speak to that question, even with all of its difficulties. The night cannot be avoided because mankind has committed too many acts of darkness. Yet, much can be alleviated and the darkness can be shortened. Also, do not forget. At the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Much will happen between now and then. I will speak of variables and invariables, of what can change and what cannot.

The darkness will begin in your economic systems. Your structures presuppose order, trust, confidence and harmony. What happens when divisions, confusion, distrust and panic set in? The chaos is already surfacing in the European Union. The panic is already evident in Greece. Distrust among peoples and between nations multiplies with each passing day.

God has not built your economic systems. God has not plunged you into debt. Satan has led you down this path and you know no other. Long ago, you put aside God’s light of truth and embraced the torch of prosperity and economic growth. You built systems without safeguards, handing on the problems to your children and your grandchildren. When the night suddenly comes, do not blame the heavenly Father. You have chosen the darkness!

Comment: The world’s economic systems are subject to darkness because mankind has been so selfish. 

4. Three Problem Areas
 Jul 31st, 2015 

In the twilight, the sun gradually loses its power to scatter the darkness. When it finally sets, night claims its victory. God has established this order in nature but he has not decreed cycles of nights for human affairs. If people live according to His word, light always reigns.

But this has not happened. Mankind compromises with darkness and yields to its powers. The great sun is setting, not because God has decreed this but because man has chosen the darkness. He sacrifices God’s sun and clings to the artificial lights that he himself controls.

O foolish mankind, Satan cannot control the sun because God has decreed its course and guaranteed forever that it would bless the earth. However, Satan can gain full control of the artificial lights that you trust and cling to. This is a slippery path but I have given the locutionist a well-trained tongue.

Because oil is coveted by so many, Satan has used it in the past and will use it even more in the future. The situation is more precarious than perceived. Many reserves lie in the hands of evil nations.

The money supply has so greatly increased that the true value of the dollar is hard to reckon. How safe is it? Can it withstand serious shocks and challenges to its stability?

More important is the unrest among so many groups. Walls that had fallen are quickly being rebuilt. Self-interests shout so loudly that voices of unity and reconciliation are no longer heard. The political structures that have guaranteed unity can no longer contain the diverse groups. The seams will burst soon. These forms of darkness can usually be kept at bay so the light wins the victory but the breaking point is being reached and the twilight enters into nightfall.

Comment: Our Lady points out three areas where serious problems might emerge.

Give us your light, show us your power,
seal us with your Immaculate Conception.

Lead us on the Road of Light guided by your wisdom
into the Ark of your Immaculate Heart.

Make us Children of the Light, filled with your enlightened confidence
that we may thrive in the Light of your Sun.

Destroy the false lights that now capture our minds that we will
only hear the Voice of God; His Divine Will & Purpose.

Cleanse our hearts Holy Mother. Quickly remove the obstacles to
these & all Divine Favors that the Lord may breathe new life into
us & place his Seal upon our hearts.